inlays & onlays
simple restoration with porcelain fillings, alternatives to crowns
Philadelphia Center City

inlays & onlays
Simple restoration with painless fillings. Dental inlays and onlays are porcelain fillings — alternatives to crowns.
If a significant amount of your tooth structure is missing, either due to a crack or old leaking filling, an inlay or onlay might be a better long-term and worry-free solution for you.
It is a minimally invasive procedure that maintains the remainder of your tooth and only replaces what’s missing.
At WELNOX, we prefer to keep your teeth intact and restore only the unhealthy or unstable parts. Your inlay or onlay treatment will be split into two appointments.
During your first visit, the damaged tooth will be cleaned and prepared for a 3D digital scan. Within seconds your teeth are rendered into a digital model and sent to our lab technician to create a unique inlay or onlay. We will fabricate a temporary filling for protection in the meantime.
During your second appointment, your custom inlay or onlay will be placed on the damaged tooth. We will make sure the fit and aesthetics are exceptional and to your liking, then we’ll cement it permanently.
It’s that simple!